Tuesday 13 January 2009

top 5 reasons why i like my gym

ok, those of you readers from my GPS days probably know that one of my favorite leisure time activities is going to the gym.  i've been hooked on it since mike and i moved to california and suddenly found ourselves with lots of free time and fewer people to spend it with.  :(  but, hey, there are far worse things to do to occupy your spare time, right? (though i hope to find time to get into some of that mischief here as well).

anyhoo, i just joined the Virgin Active gym that's right down my street... it's amazing.  shims and i discovered it when he came over for christmas and we both instantly became smitten.  so many things going for it beyond the obvious benefits to my well being (which i will certainly not downplay... particularly as i learn more about this country's healthcare system... YEESH!)... that i thought i'd just list a few so you can see why i'm so hooked:

5) it's near a pub!  well, that's pretty obvious, most things are in this country... and i haven't gone in yet, but i have seen a few gym-goers leave the gym with tinges of sweat on their brow, gingerly cross the street and pop into the Artillery Arms for a cheeky two or three... thumbs up in my book!!  and it's not just any pub... it's right across the street from a historical burial ground and army training field.  cooool.

4) they have a tanning bed, a cafe and free internet access.  i am trying to figure out a way that i can use all three at once, so let me know if you have any ideas.  

3) hot trainers.  compared to my last gym, these guys look like they actually have gone to the gym in the last few days... as i told shims, the best way to describe them - marky mark circa 1991 meets jude law.  oh yeah.

2) it is EMPTY on the weekend.  brilliant.  because it's located near 'the city' (which is similar to NYC's financial district), there's hardly anyone there on a saturday or sunday... though i am noticing that we are right in the middle of the january rush crowd so there are a few more people on my days of rest that i'd like to see.  but like any new years resolution, just takes a little time before we're back to normal, kids.

1) and the final reason why i love this place... it just so happens to share space with the royal army barracks.  yeah.  exactly.

so look for a future post coming to you live from the gym as i plan to spend a lot of time there ... goggles on, smoothie in hand and jaws on the floor.


1 comment:

  1. Um, I must go there to work out when I visit. Can you please
    a) reserve the tanning bed for me for the duration of my visit.
    b) get me the hottest trainer at the place: Jude Law + Marky Mark + Tom Brady + Prince Harry. Oh, and straight please.
    c) Let's go for pints before and after our workouts. And let's not stay at the gym for longer than 25 minutes.
    d) Let's go during the week, after work hours, so I can meet some hot British banker types, preferably less than 25 years of age.
    e) I am not quite sure what to do about the royal army barracks. But I am sure I will figure it out once I set foot near this place.
    Could be a 3 in one deal: hot brit trainer, then hot brit banker, followed by hot brit soldier. Will be the best vacation ever ever.

    PS: Your best blog post to date...
