Monday 2 February 2009

snow, glorious snow!

after returning from a fun-filled weekend with old friends in leeds, i was witness to a rarity only seen once within the last couple of decades - a full-on snowstorm in jolly ole england!  and with it came the usual inconveniences you would expect from a city always looking for someone or something else to blame - slow underground service, no shoveled sidewalks or steps for days, my GYM closed EARLY! and whatever else isn't quite working right...

on the other hand, there were some beautiful sights to behold this morning as i made my way to 76 buckingham palace road... trees and parks covered in untouched white stuff, roads a little less noisy today with no buses or trucks around and smiles on fellow londoners faces as they see something a little out of the ordinary on a usually rather ordinary monday morning...


1 comment:

  1. I better not have out of the ordinary when I arrive. This will not be good Christian Louboutin weather.
