Friday 13 March 2009

wicked icky-ness

saw a great play the other night called "entertaining mr sloane" which is at the trafalgar studios, just off, err, trafalgar square...

anyway, it was a great show with an awesome cast...storyline involves a young, sociopath drifter who takes up a room in a house owned by a horny old lady... said horny old lady won't stop flirting with the boy until her libido gets the best of her and she throws herself at him... act done, the deed is done...

act two, we meet the lady's brother, equally creepy, and equally infatuated with the young lad (aka mr sloane).  he hires the boy to be his driver, and of course, every driver needs head to toe leather for their uniform, right?  ew... anyway, the real plot picks up when the old lady's father, who lives in the house and is a bit of a side character, realizes that the drifter is the person who murdered his boss and was never found until now... it's then when the boy decides to kill the old man, and when discovered by the brother and sister, rather than send him off to jail, they decide that they will 'keep' him, each six months at a time, so he can be 'entertained'... ew ew!

but it was a great laugh... good times, good times...

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